Monday 30 May 2016

Back in my Day!

The X-Men compared life 'Back in the Day' and today. Who had it worse our parents and grandparents or us?

Have you ever heard “back in my day we didn’t have technology to keep ourselves entertained!”? Parents are always saying ridiculous things like this. We are comparing whether back in  the day was actually better for kids than it is today.

Chores -  Kalani and Gabby -
Back in the day, children woke up before the sun rose to do chores such as milking cows, feeding animals, collecting eggs and cutting wood for fire. Nowadays we have simpler chores like making our beds, cleaning our rooms, hanging up the washing, and cleaning dishes. In our opinion we think nowadays is better than olden days because the chores aren’t as hard as it was back then.

Charlotte toilets and Bathrooms -
In the olden days, people didn’t have flushing toilets and showers, instead they had a long drop. Long drops are big holes in the ground outside, usually covered with a wooden shack. However nowadays we have flushing toilets inside. Back then they didn’t have any showers, when it was cold they would have a hot bath in the lounge, and when it was warm they would wash themselves in the river. Today we have showers inside and can change the setting whether we want a hot or a cold shower.

Come to school - Krish and Hemish
In the olden days children use to ride to school on a horse and the horse was so big that the children could play cards on its body. If it was raining you would have to walk to school in bare feet and if your feet were cold you would have to stand in cow patties to warm them up. Today we get driven short distances in comfortable vehicles and walk with friends and family. We also have shoes to keep our feet warm.
Entertainment - Dev and Shreyas
In the olden days children used to make guns out of sticks. They had to chase chickens and ride on sheep. Children also made huts in the trees and built sandcastles. Inside the house they would listen to the radio and draw on old newspaper. Nowadays kids are totally different they play on their consoles, phone, Ipads and tablet. They also watch TV and channels like Youtube, Netflix and Quickflix.

Overall we believe that the children back in the day had it much harder than we have it now. They would have to do hard chores, wash in a river, and have to draw on old newspaper to keep entertained. So when your parents say “back in my day we had it hard” you should really believe them.

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