Tuesday 5 April 2016

Greyhounds Vs Toy Poodles

The Avengers read 'Charlie's Second Chance" by Phillippa Werry. They Then compared two breeds of dog Greyhounds and Toy poodles.

Are you thinking of getting a pet dog? You are probably wondering which breed of dog to choose. Two options for you could be a Toy Poodle or a Greyhound. There are many similarities and differences between these two breeds

Food and Water - Emily D
If you are planning to get a dog it is important to provide them water, different dogs need different bowls depending on their size. Such as Greyhounds they need a raised feeding bowl because they are tall dogs. On the other hand toy poodles don’t need a raised feeding bowl because the are small if it was high they of course would not be able to reach. So it is important to get the right size bowl for your dog.

Exercise - Samarah and Kristy
As you may know dogs need lots of exercise to get fit and be able to be fast. Greyhounds only need short walks because when they are born they are already very fast. Greyhounds also compete in races. A Greyhound needs only one or two walks a day. On the other hand Toy Poodles are an energetic breed which means they need lots of exercise. Toy poodles probably need 3-4 walks a day. For both breeds walks should only take half an hour to forty-five minutes.

Care and attention - Samarah, Kristy, Emily D, Joshua L, Michael and Ethan
If you want to have a dog you have to care about them. If you are wanting to have a greyhound, then you’ll have to give them a winter coat when it’s cold and a raincoat when it’s raining, because greyhounds have short fur and it doesn’t protect it from the cold. Toy poodles have lots of fur so they need grooming so it doesn't get scruffy.

Vet - Ethan and Samarah
Both types of breeds may need to get a vet visit. Greyhounds though don’t have many health issues so only see the vet when they are sick. Poodles sometimes get sick such as disk disease.  Greyhounds are less expensive to keep because they require fewer visits to the vet, which can be very expensive.

Pets - Ella
Both greyhounds and poodles can be kept as a pet. Poodles may look adorable but they may be a little skittish with children and may bark often, they also usually bark around strangers. On the other hand greyhounds are friendly around children and don’t usually bark around people. Overall I think that greyhounds will be more friendly around people and they won’t bark or bite much.

Overall we think that a greyhound would be the best dog to have as a pet. They are easy to look after and don’t need a lot of exercise and it is okay to stay home by itself.  On the other hand a toy poodle is a lot harder to maintain. So if you are planning to get a dog the best dog would be a greyhound.   


  1. Greyhounds are the best of the very best I should know i have had sighthounds for 30 years and love greyhounds above any other breed they are my heart hounds. I like poodles but they are expensive to keep as their coat needs profesional trimming and that costs a lot of money every six weeks if you want to keep them looking good. I prefer greyhounds they never have that doggy smell not even when they get wet.when they shed hairs its like tufts of cotton easily vacumed or picked up and brush of your cloathes.

  2. As an owner of two rescue greyhounds, I completely agree! Greyhounds make the best pets! :D Maz in South Australia
