Sunday 3 April 2016

Should Selfie Sticks be Banned?

The Justice League read 'Watch Out For Those Selfies, They Can Be Deadlier Than Sharks!' on DOGO News they then used information in the article to decide whether selfie sticks should be banned.

Selfies are responsible for causing hundreds of injuries and 12 deaths in 2015. Due to the rapid rise of injuries and fatalities many governments are now asking whether selfie sticks should be banned from museums, sports arenas and theme parks? Disney theme parks have prohibited their use and West Japan Railways banned the sticks both inside Japan's bullet trains as well as out on the railway platforms.

Reasons why selfie sticks should be banned include you may bump into a precious and expensive sculpture while trying to take a photo. Museums hold valuable artefacts and fossils that are very rare and would not be able to be replaced. If an item got destroyed due to a selfie stick the museum would miss out on money generated by that attraction.

Another reason why selfie sticks should be banned is that you could lose your balance and fall down stairs. On September 21st Hideto Ueda, a Japanese tourist tried to take a selfie on the stairs at the Taj Mahal, fell backwards and died.

As a fan at a sports arena it would be annoying to sit behind someone with a selfie stick. For example watching the All Blacks game would be ruined if your view was blocked by people taking selfies. Many people agree that All Black tickets are very expensive and hard to get.

Selfie sticks can not only be annoying but cause injuries too. Such as if you take a selfie stick on a ride at a theme park you could cause damage or injuries to people and or property.

On the other hand sometimes you need a selfie stick to get a better quality photo, also if you want a group photo of a special occasion. Some people argue that selfie sticks should not be banned but people should be encouraged to use their selfie stick responsibly.

Overall we believe selfie sticks should be banned from museums, sports arenas and theme parks. Selfie sticks have proved to be dangerous and even deadly.  People should enjoy the events and places they go without risking their lives to take a selfie. "Even a million 'likes' on social media are not worth your life and well-being."

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