Tuesday 23 February 2016

Breakfast in the Bus

After reading 'Breakfast in the Bus' the X-Men compared living on a bus or in a home.

Have you ever seen anyone who lives on a bus? In the story ‘Breakfast in the bus’ by Dot Meharry Grandad lives in a house bus. We are comparing whether we would prefer to live in a regular home or on a bus

Beds - Charlotte and Leslie
In a house bus instead of making your bed in the morning you would have to take everything off and then fold up your bed because if you don’t fold it up it would move around while you were driving.  Before you fold your bed you would have to take off your pillows and duvet. However In your regular house you can have a king size bed and you don’t need to fold everything up. We think it's better to have a bed in a regular house because you don’t need to pick up everything and you don’t have to constantly take everything off your bed and then put it back on again.

Kitchen -  Eli and Krish
Both bus homes and regular homes have everything that you need for example a kitchen. Both kitchens have all the right equipment to make meals. However there are differences, for eg house buses don't have large pantries or appliances such as dishwashers. In our houses we have kitchens that are larger so it is easier to store food and have appliances that make our lives easier.

Room for people - Dev and Shreyas
Both houses and house buses have space and room for people. However the house buses have less room than our regular houses. That means that whatever you do in a house bus you will find difficult because of the small space. The space in a bus is less inside but it also takes less space outside so you can have a bigger garden. Our opinion is that we should stay in our houses because it has more space and room.

Land and Space - Kalani and Gabby
Our regular homes that we live in take up too much land and space and also wastes wood from trees that would of been used for nature. On the other hand when you live in a house bus you can move around easily without taking too much space and land. You can also go on holiday without spending too much money as well. Gabrielle thinks it is better to live in a regular house than a house bus because you have more space to have a couch, T.V, and a large kitchen, but I think living in a housebus is better because you can go on holiday and you can go places without getting out.    

Windows -
Both bus homes and regular homes have windows to enjoy the view and to let sunlight in. On bus homes the windows are low to the ground meaning that people lack privacy. However the bus home windows are probably easier to clean as you can take your home through a car wash. On the other hand regular home’s windows especially two storey houses offer more privacy but may be harder to clean. I believe it is better to have privacy than ease of cleaning.

Conclusion -
Overall we would prefer to live in our regular homes because of there being more space, appliances, more people can go inside and we can have larger beds. Living on a bus might be enjoyable for some people for travelling, being cheaper to run and being easier to clean however not for us.

We think our comparison is extended abstract we made several comparisons and personal opinions.

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