Tuesday 16 February 2016

White Sunday

The Guardians of the Galaxy reading group sequenced the events in 'White Sunday' by Karen Phelps

In New Zealand we can practise any religion freely. In our class we have Christians, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslim and Hindu children. In New Zealand some Samoan people celebrate ‘Lotu Tamaiti’ or ‘White Sunday’. This is a very important celebration for children. We sequenced the events of ‘White Sunday’ for Vaiola from Otara, Auckland.

Vaiola got up really early and put on her new puletasi (a lavalava and a top). Her mum helped her get ready by doing her hair. Vaiola ran late to the church, she practised her verse on the way because she was very nervous about saying it in front of hundreds of people. She lined up with the other children ready to go in. Vaiola entered the church and lined up on stage. She presented her bible verse. Vaiola enjoyed the rest of the service particularly the singing, the play and her sister singing. After the service Vaiola’s family went to a restaurant to enjoy a meal together.

Overall we believe it is an important right of being a citizen to be able to worship any religion you want. One reason why people may choose to move to New Zealand is that we have freedoms to worship who we want.

1 comment:

  1. Great work today Logan - you remembered a lot of important details from the text. Hemish you showed some great thinking during our discussion about the freedom to worship who you like.
